Seems I always got a twist or knot wrong when packing and wished I knew the hitch that would work best in a particular situation. This was very evident if I observed a good packer string a line of horses or mules.
I thought a bronze with all different hitches, if nothing else, would help me understand the twists and turns of packing a little better. Working in miniature with the goal of keeping the crispness of my sculpting texture and detail up to par, I created “Diamonds in the Rough”, a title coming from hearing more than a few back country folks speak fondly of a favorite yet roughest looking mule in their string. Perhaps it also refers to some really good people as well.
Each of the four mules in the bronze takes on a personality along with a different pack hitch. They have their own titles as well, all referring to something to do with the hitch or the diamond theme…and …of course the couple at the head of the string on horseback have to be “The Queen of Diamonds” and “Diamond Jack”.